Monday, 13 June 2011



Recent debates over the weather have led to people turning to the government for answers. The weather controller, which was implemented into the Nyx Network a few months ago, is causing more harm than good as people are becoming upset with the way disputes are being dealt with. They are looking for the government to take action and control over the disagreements by offering a consolation to the party that doesn’t receive their desired weather. As a city, Wellington is quite unique. It requires a lot of varying weather conditions to enhance specific sensory experiences; the government should be considering these to keep attracting tourists.

The Global Weather Controller (GWC) was integrated into the atmosphere and monitored by MetControl. This system was implemented after Steven Keller studied the weathers’ chaotic nature in search of elements that can be controlled. This led to the discovery of a two-week pattern, which can be predicted through mathematical algorithms. After defining the algorithms, he began to predict weather to the hour, seeing potential dangers and predicting atmospheric movements. After monitoring the atmosphere, with the help of MetControl, he began to code the weather shifts; starting with small parts of the atmosphere then focusing on larger landmasses. This research took thirty years to establish a fully functional product within the Nyx proteins.

Wellingtonians can connect to the weather controller by logging on to the network and voting for their ideal setting. They have the options of the predetermined weather conditions allocated to the area after MetControl has analyzed the atmosphere. MetControl then collate the votes and set up the weather, this is all done throughout the day and is continuously updated hourly.

Disgruntled Newtown resident, Helen Till, has complained four times to MetControl and no action has been taken. “I need the rain to enhance my outdoor sensory café, as it is receiving no business. People do not want to experience a warm environment that was built to be cold; the full experience is not being met.” Helen wants to be remunerated for the loss to her business by the government. “Most people want sun, I understand that but there has been no attempt for a compromise, we need someone to make this operation fair.” Helen has begun to build rain focus groups through the Nyx network so they can sway the government to consider the need for rain as well as sun.

Mayor Liam Boulder stated, “This issue can not be solved by the government reimbursing losses.” He continued on to describe that the weather controller is a national issue but MetControl cannot look at it on a personal scale. They are doing their best to address the majority vote of the nation. “If the government looked into each case, the details and variations would be endless. Each individual case would need to be filed and reviewed for remuneration; this does not solve the weather issue but instead opens the door to a new set of problems concerning value. We will look into different ways to determine weather instead of majority vote, maybe a roster solution.”

MetControl uses the GWC to determine the weather on a city scale; they take the vote of the people daily and craft the weather to suit the majority. The atmosphere that surrounds the city can only determine the weather that can be manipulated. Luckily for Wellington, they can include any weather in their zone of the Pacific Ocean, which allows them to have more flexibility. With this flexibility, they have more opportunity to meet the needs of the majority of the residents. MetControl representative, Sarah Collins, stated, “The weather has become predictable down to the minute, and MetControl tries their best to spread the minutes to allow for all requests for weather but sometimes people can not be accommodated for.” She was unsure if addressing the government was the right approach but she agreed that there were too many people complaining. “When the weather could not be manipulated we had one less thing to worry about.”

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