The Blood Powered Revolution
Wellington based company funded by the Wellington Capital Chronicle newspaper was hired to research into future communication systems due to the expansive growth of online networking.
Studies in 2011 resulted ideas that future technology was heading towards an exponential curve of development. Citizens would need a wider network communication in the Capital for daily life. Research led to the development of a Wireless connection through newly developed batteries powered by blood.
The Tardigrada technology within Capital Chronicles changed after the news of the
Extinction of the Tardigrada in 2011. The Tardigrades were coined to become the micro leaders of all communication networks. These little companions would be housed within liquid and were genetically engineered to carry carbon nono tubes designed to emit a wireless network. Unfortunately a new species of Tardigrade however developed due to global warming which led to their extinction in their biological niche.
Capital C furthered to design a system while conversing with Canterbury Bio Chemist Honours Graduate Dylan Gifford for the possibility of creating a protein. This encased a certain blood battery that was currently being developed in 2011. This battery run from blood would turn on a biological networking device that allowed wireless signal to be transmitted. The protein housed a paper-thin battery allowed the future digital citizens to be able to have just one injection of the protein into their blood system.
The liquid designed; housed in it a special nutrience that once digested would alter the protein. This would turn the ions in the battery on within the protein, making a wireless connection. This carbon nano tube battery was thus turned on inside the protein which was fed from the bloodstream. This system was designed to enhance a closer connection within Wellington’s digital community. Once blood sugar/nutrience levels drop, the liquid that was digested for the wireless connection turns off until more nutrience is consumed. This way the Wellington citizens could control the connectivity of the amount of wireless network they wanted for available daily use. This network system has been extremely efficient in daily life as it has saved the issues of power for digital connection from emerging technology and biology. This is an efficient way of tackling problems of reception due to weather extremes and other connection difficulties. We are now the connectors to our own digital lives.
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