Monday, 9 May 2011

What's cooking, good looking

This lovely article from the BBC is full of wonderful ideas about a future kitchen, and since I'm writing the lifestyle section, I thought the housewives of 2040 would appreciate an article about how everyone's coping in the kitchen. MIT's 'Counter Intelligence' has come up with prototype containers that tell you when your food is off, spoons that gauge temperature, oven mitts that tell you when to check your food, a silicon sink and countdown kettle, and most amazingly a 'dish maker'.
Imagine putting super thin plastic discs into a machine that then makes you your breakfast bowl or dinner plate, and when you're done you can put it back in and make it flat for easy storage.
If they've started making this now then I need to come up with some super radical ideas to make baking a digitalphysical dream.

Long past the realm of prototyping is Electrolux's Inspiro Oven, which with one press of a button will cook your food to perfection and tell you when it's done. It calculates the temperature of the food and sets all the dials to the desired outcome. It has a database of cooking methods to pull from and seems to me like an invention that could go horribly horribly wrong.

Sharp has come up with a Superheated Steam Oven that cooks food and cleans itself. It has 126 built in recipes and reduces fat and salt content while retaining the natural vitamins.

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