The idea with this exploration is that in 2030 there was a new law past where animal skins were not allowed to be used in production for clothing.
A new type of design was formed where a sticker is designed. When attached to the foot it would change the epidermal layers of the skin hence changing the DNA allowing the skin to grow furr and feathers and harden the skin like a leather. As the skin layers build up, the skin is shed like a cocoon and a shoe or a garment is created.
The idea where feathers can be grown would enhance fashion advantages as the colouring is dependent on the owners DNA and health to how bright the colours form.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Haemophagic leeches attach to their hosts and remain there until they become full, at which point they fall off to digest. A leech's body is composed of 34 segments. They all have an anterior (oral) sucker formed from the first six segments of their body, which is used to connect to a host for feeding, and also release an anesthetic to prevent the host from feeling the leech. They use a combination of mucus and suction (caused by concentric muscles in those six segments) to stay attached and secrete an anti-clotting enzyme, hirudin, into the host's blood stream.The techniques leeches portray is what i would like to develop my skin sticker from. The formation of a parasite that attaches to the skin giving off an anesthetic to subdue pain while latching onto the skin.
This sounds lovely! Feathery feet. I think you could easily relate it back to Wellington and the weather and terrain here. The health colour changing bit got me thinking that maybe it could be introduced by Wellington Hospital as a way of raising awareness about some of the side effects of nyx?