Solace of the Wind
The current hike in wind prices has caused Wellington’s exports to rise in value by 35%, making them the leader in natural wind sales. With summer round the corner, people are stocking up their wind power to be fully prepared for the lack of in the coming months. The price hike has not deterred sales, but rather made people buy more, as wind becomes scarcer.
Wellington provides the most natural and strongest wind worldwide, with Rejkjavik, Iceland and Cape Town, South Africa close behind. WindPower is the main provider in Wellington with controlling 65% of the market share. CEO Jillian Keith stated “Wind is becoming more essential but the resource is only natural in certain areas; Wellington has utilized its once undesirable resource and converted it to a multi-billion dollar essential export.”
Unfortunately, natural wind may be a thing of the past as the application for weather continues to expand. The new version of Solace 2.5 now shrinks weather down to a metre radius of the individual holding the hand held device. This also allows the person to expand the radius when concerning an area of land that is registered on the network to them.
With this new specified technology, the weather begins to revolve around the personal preference, which means the natural wind will become the unnatural wind. As time passes and technology evolves further, the atmosphere’s balance will begin to be tested and strained be human demand. We need to begin to be fair about our weather choices, before we lose control.
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