Sunday 19 June 2011


Have now completed the website,

Features an online newspaper reader, and contact form.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

other Designers alike

I think this Video is very appropriate in reference to our group and the sensory engagements.
It is great to see other designers thinking along the same track as us, having a greater awareness of evolving technology and taking advantage of cofusion points.

Welcome to Earth

For Credits Sake

I am yet to post up all the images etc. of the work I have done, I will do so after the presentation as to not ruin the surprise, as showing what I've done would invariably do that (although once released the newspaper should really act as an exemplar). However for Ross's understanding I am blogging a list of things I have done toward our presentation to date, Wednesday 15th June.
  • Read, edited, and revised all the text on our newspaper (Eleanor was also very valuable in this process).
  • Critiqued and gave feedback on all work put forward for publication (this was also done extensively by the group during meetings).
  • Designed and formatted the entire newspaper (my friend Jonti Griffin deserves a great amount of credit as our external expert with this task, legend). This was by far my most demanding task and I hope it speaks volumes in the final product.
  • Wrote the articles which have been accredited to my name in our publication.
  • Arranged the forum for others to write letters to the Editor for our publication.
  • Organised the logistics of our group, and ensured that our ideas and projects are cohesive and completed by the given deadlines.
  • Liased with the design team and print team of The Dominion Post to ensure a successful publication. An essential part of the spirit of our entire project!
I hope this gives you (Ross) a greater understanding of my role in the group, if you need further justification I trust my group to act as referees on my behalf.


[Boxes ticked]

crownthorpe school

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I made some horoscopes

Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
What a riot this week has been! You’ve got the travel bug bad, but pack up those shoes before you wander too far from your loved ones. Mercury makes your time fly, don’t waste it away from home.
Leo (23 July – 23 August)
A fine life you’re living, Lucky Leo! Everything seems to be coming up roses, and you aren’t complaining. With Venus on your horizon there’s love in the air – make the most of this month.
Virgo (24 August – 23 September)
There’s bad news on the way this week, Virgo, but it could work to your advantage. The Sun is giving you the cold shoulder but the upcoming challenges will spread light on a personal situation. Focus on your family and try to resolve those issues you’ve been avoiding, everything will be okay.
Libra (24 September – 23 October)
Have you forgotten something, Libra? Perhaps it’s the feel of grass on your feet. Take time out from the Network, things look better from further away. Reconnect with your family on the 26th, you’re missing out on important information.
Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)
Take a deep breath, and drop your guard. It may be difficult, but your friends know you well enough to forgive any of your faults. You may care too much, but it’s better than not caring at all.
Sagittarius (23 November – 22 December)
Change is in the air, and it looks like you’re in for a few surprises. Don’t be afraid of taking a chance, Sagittarius, sometimes you can’t foresee all the possibilities. Don’t forget your coat, the weather can change in an instant.
Capricorn (23 December – 20 January)
Poor Capricorn, lately you haven’t been getting anything right. Use the approaching Sun view your problems from a different angle – there is a way through! Step-by-step and with the help of your loved one, the end of this rough period will soon be in sight.
Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)
Looks like you’ve been caught out, cheeky Aquarius! You pushed your luck for too long and now you have to live with the consequences. Thankfully you have a circle of good friends and workmates who are willing to forgive and forget, but next time you might not be so lucky.
Pisces (20 February – 20 March)
Mars’s powerful energy gives you a boost this month, dear Pisces. Focus this extra force on your career and your efforts will be rewarded. It may be a hard climb to the top, but the view is definitely worth it. Watch out for past lovers around the 24th, they do not have your best interests at heart.
Aries (21 March – 20 April)
You have the answers to everybody’s problems except your own! Try not to let helping others get in the way of your life, sometimes you have to look out for number one. Take time out this week to understand what you really need.
Taurus (21 April – 21 May)
It’s time to party Taurus! Leave your inhibitions at the door because life is beautiful. With Venus as your ruler and a new moon rising, the world is your oyster. Be aware that not everyone can relax this week, but don’t let it dampen your good mood.
Gemini (22 May – 21 June)
The Sun is leaving your sector this week, with violent Mars in tow. Be careful of your thoughts, they may betray you to a unforgiveable end. Keep your friends close and treat them with the respect they deserve – you’re not so easy to please!

I made Ashley an image

It's not so great but we needed one!

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