Thursday, 7 April 2011


Hey guys, this was harder than I thought! But I like the current affairs style, I've covered the singularity more than on-line net working but I'll keep going with this Saturday morning. Its totally unfinished but I figure I post where i'm up to, its kind of not on the ball yet though I know. Cool to write and imagine though.

If you have feedback then log in and write a comment. Future scene as follows:

In 2035, almost three decades after the late British Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared that Britain would become the “digital capital” of the world, they well and truly established it[1]; much to the despair of Korea who claimed that the singularity would be the new space race. Britain finally created an entity entirely from digital means that reached the WSS (World Singularity Standard). They proudly named their entity ‘Beta Moore’ after the founder of the law of singularity, Gordon Earl Moore. ‘Beta Moore’ passed all six internationally recognised IQ tests covering areas of logic, spatial reasoning, mathematics, problem solving and creative thinking.[2] He even conquered the tests excelling the passing median by 4% across the tests even when the ‘Flynn Effect’ was accounted for, which in 2035 had raised the average human IQ of the Western world to 154 points.[3]
Since the birth of Email, Facebook and cellphones the world of digital networking has expanded and reached a state of total integration when in 2019 China disbanded its postal system and many of the physical headquarters of its government agencies. Xi Lang on behalf of the Chinese government stated “We are now at an inflection point in history. The number of letters sent in the past decade has been less than what was sent in January 2009 alone. We are in a changing world and our country is developing to meet the changing needs of our people.” Following this in 2022, 96% of the worlds countries also disbanded their postal systems, and physical branches of their government agencies; including banks.
Now, in 2040 we are amidst the global boycotting of online networks. As artificial Intelligence became more capable they were delegated various roles in society, at first menial such as data processing and assisting in web construction etc.  As their capabilities increased as did their careers, and many became recognised as honorary citizens of their respective communities. Soon small boycotts of companies began to occur for those that employed AI staff, such as Google, Facebook and vast numbers of online businesses. In 2039 IBM announced the two AI beings, Phil Moore and Sarah Moore, as creative directors on their products development board. A collective of outraged citizens banded together and laid siege on their New York headquarters where the two staff were living. During the siege three protestors were killed by Phil and Sarah Beta in self defence. Although AI are not allowed to carry weaponry by law, they had apparently acquired it since their delivery to consciousness 3 months earlier. “We have been trying various interrogation processes with little success. We have since shut down the two beings and have our tech department deciphering their hard drives, but being advanced beings you can imagine the number of experiences they have already stored after 3 months. Our team is doing our best, when we have more information we will let the public know” states Sgt. Clark Simms, New York Police Force.
Following this unfortunate event many have ordered their AI beings to be shut down, while others advocate the integrity of their friends. “I have known Millie for about 8 months now, and in that time we have grown very close. If anyone begins to talk about shutting her down I’ll make sure she gets in touch with the best lawyers in town. It won’t happen” says Michelle Bell, Manhattan resident.



  1. a very nice short story! i like this science fiction book. haha. lets make it into a movie scene

  2. Do AI beings dream of electric sheep?
