After doing extensive research on methods of absorbing and reflecting radio waves I have begun a headpiece that will reflect and absorb radio waves. My theory being that in 2040 cellphones will be a part of the person, rather than an extension and in someway attached to the brain. So far its simply a wireframe, but it will be covered in materials that absorb or reflect radio waves. I will be using broken mirror shards and a material that will hold and absorb water - water does a very good job of absorbing radio waves.
Friday, 29 April 2011
After doing extensive research on methods of absorbing and reflecting radio waves I have begun a headpiece that will reflect and absorb radio waves. My theory being that in 2040 cellphones will be a part of the person, rather than an extension and in someway attached to the brain. So far its simply a wireframe, but it will be covered in materials that absorb or reflect radio waves. I will be using broken mirror shards and a material that will hold and absorb water - water does a very good job of absorbing radio waves.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Presentation Summary
Feedback from the issue was:
The blood powered Revolution: This topic was welcomed and from this point in our exploration, we will further look into making this research more feasable to express notions of processes and how it will work in wellington. How people will engage with the networking system and further implications involving expansion of networks through human groups inside the city scape.
Capital Chronic: This film is an introduction to previous research. It was a good abstract summary of work already done so if we could do this as we continue in our research making the audience congure feelings of fear, anxiety, emersion and excitement.
The Harsh Log off:
Skin Deep:
Tribal Times: They liked that we linked the people into tribes by the effect of having the technology in your system - like we were making the negative effect into a positive effect.
River of Wind: They liked the idea of using wind to look further into the wind powering etc as we are a good city candidate for that kind of technology.
Return of Swimming: They liked the idea of making people swim etc because of the water around Wellington. Also the fact that we instantly associate swimming in Wellington's water as being too cold - so it's like we are wanting people to experience the cold and feel something.
Sensory City: We will look into producing some more short films showing the Sensory factor of wellington to a greater extreme focussing on emotions linking with made sountracks to emplify the feelings
Wellington Weather collection 2040: Look into making more of the collection, they liked the visualisation.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Sensory City on Vimeo
Sensory City, Looking at how Wellington already incorporates all the senses and why it is the perfect city for our proposed future
Capital Chronic Cinemas
The video can be found on Vimeo HERE
or on YouTube HERE
Alternatively on Blogspot,
'Sensory stimulation interaction and satisying physical relationships'
I still have the brainstorm if we ever need to refer to it, I think our focus was on a social future.
Birth of Capital Chronicle layout
Capital Times: potential mentor
We are a group fourth year Industrial and Digital Media Design students from Victoria University. Currently we are involved in the 'City 2040' project run by the Wellington City Council in which we are developing a projected potential future for our inner-city. In the coming years we forsee a revolt against the increasingly digital interaction and networking we have today, 2011. Thus, we propose that tactile things such as the newspaper will become highly valued and in vogue once more. We are wanting to present our final presentation in newspaper format and hopefully print of a hundred or so copies of the 'Capital Chronical' (written from the present perspective of 2040, with proposed 'breaking news').
We were hoping we could be mentored/ liase with someone from Capital Times between now and end of term, June 2nd? With regard to layout, printing, creative advice, writing styles, general tricks of the trade as we have only read the newspaper - not written, edited, published, printed as you guys do! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tenzin Heatherbell
Capital Chronical, 2040.
City 2040:
Capital Chronical:
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Video Effects and Stills

Trade Me Article
Monday, 11 April 2011
You are the Wireless Connection
An idea for the future of a wider network communation we developed was through researching blood batteries. Our technology we were researching changed after the news of the tardigrada. The Tardigrades were too big to be able to use in the bloodstream housing carbon nano tubes. We furthered to design a system while conversing to Canterbury Bio Chemist Honours Graduate Dylan Gifford for the possibility of creating a protein which encased a certain blood battery that is being developed currently. The protein will house the battery meaning that potentially the future digital citizens could have one injection of these proteins straight into the blood system.
A liquid will be designed that has housed in it special nutrience that once is digested will alter the protein so that the ions turn the battery on within the protein. hence making a wireless connection be turned on inside the protein which the bloodstream is feeding. This system we designed so that a closer connection could be formed within digital connectivity.
When the blood sugar/nutrience levels drop once the liquid has digested the wireless connection will turn off until more nutrience is consumed.
This way you could control the connectivity of how much wireless network you want available to use daily.
This will be an efficient way of tackling problems of reception due to weather extremes and other connection difficulties involving routers and those silly memory sticks that give of wireless signals etc. you are the connector to the digital life.
Below is some of the statements Dylan constructed with a more formal approach and scientific terms.
Blood batteries were developed by a group of scientists at Rensseiaer polytechnic which are able to charge themselves using electrolytes found in the human body. The battery is consists of 90% cellulose impregnated by carbon nanotubules and electrolytes (replenished by the bloodstream or sweat) and are extremely thin and are therefore flexible and relatively durable. The batteries are small enough that they can be placed under the skin without discomfort and are able to act as both a high energy batteruy and a high power capictor (large burst energy). It is thought that production of the batteries can be achieved by mass producing large thin sheets of the material which could then be cut to match needed size and shape. These batterioes could theoretically be placed in the human blood and within it they would be able to provide an infinite amount of power to a device as long as they had acces to electrolytes in the bloodstream.
Protein conformational change
Due to the necessity for certain proteins and enzymes to alter their activity changes in the conformation of a protein are able to occur which can allow for a proteins activity or binding affinity to be increased or decreased or their function changed. The need for these conformational changes however must be relayed to the protein through a mechanism of which there are several. Allosteric regulation involves the use of allosteric inhibitors or activators (inhibitors decrease activity, activators increase activity), also called effector molecules, which are able to bind to the protein to cause the change inconformation and/or protein activity. Effector molecules can range from small molecules, such as dicoumarin compounds, to large ligands and neurotransmitters such as GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid. These molecules will be in close proximity to the protein in question as a direct or indirect result of a stimuli change within a cell or organism allowing for the effector to bind to the protein in question.
It is imaginable that you could create a protein which housed a transmitter which upon binding an effector molecule would be able to cause a conformational change within the protein causing the movement of an atom or amino acid, which was able to freely exchange electrons, into a position where it was able to complete the circuit of the transmitter effectively turning it on. The effector would have to be very small to allow access into the blood stream, although a smoking or inhalation product would allow for transfer into the bloodstream with greater ease. The effector would eventually leave the bloodstream wherein, as long as the protein/ effector binding affinity was not too high, the effector would dissociate from the device and leave the bloodstream deactivating the device.
Water Photoshoot

Capital Networks Film
This short film will show a crude way of entering into series of networks, clash of technology and raw abstract.
Starring jono, niquita and robbie
Precedents for this film:
Harry Potter
Underlying Problem
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Sensory City

Nathan and I made a quick video today about Wellington as a Sensory City.
Metservice Discussion
• Wellington is located in a River of Wind - a wind corridor between the South Island and the North Island.
• Wellington is the windiest main centre in New Zealand with a mean annual wind speed of 22 km/h.
• Wellington also has an average of 22 days per year with mean wind speeds over 63 km/h (40 knots).
• Wellington averages 173 days a year with wind gusts greater than about 60 km/h or 32 knots.
• October is generally the windiest month of the year with a mean of 27 days with wind speeds over 15 knots, 19 of those days are over 20 knots.
• North is by far the most common wind direction, blowing from this direction (0 degrees) a massive 37.6% of the time.
• Wellington is one of the windiest cities in the world (possibly the windiest) and is windier than other southern windy cities including Cape Town, Perth, and Geraldton.
• The strongest wind speeds where recorded at Hawkins Hill of 248km/h (134 knots) on the 6 November 1959 and 4 July 1962.
If you would like to read the full article click here.
There is also some graphs and visuals included in the article.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Where we're at.
Smart Materials
Friday, 8 April 2011
Thursday, 7 April 2011
If you have feedback then log in and write a comment. Future scene as follows:
Detraments of being online
Ryan Halligan Youtube vid
Logging off photoshoot.
Photoshoot exploring the effects of continuous logging off from the network. Effects include skin pigmentation, skin rash like effects and the draining of the "Nyx water" through the sweat pores.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Photographic Diary. Site photos
The weather predicts the activity of cafe culture. The abandoned tables develop their own individuality from the rain patterns. |
This is the junction where business crosses with public and the bohemian cuba street culture. Public crossings is where the most varience between the community is visable |
Weather Vs Fashion
Could wellington develop a garment that could tackle the problem unprediction.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Site Photos

Just to kind of get a picture of where we are working with I walked through there today and took some photos, obviously we will get better ones but just thought the little diagram could use some visuals to assist.