Monday, 7 March 2011

Future 2040 Timeline

Future 2040

Check out this, it's a timeline of future predicted events right up until the end of the universe. Heaps of links between now and 2040.
Where appropriate they have external links and references. Some of the details they give are obviously pure fiction, but an interesting read. Good place to enhance our ideas and give us an idea of what might be possible by 2040.

- 2020 -"Texting by Thinking"
- 2021 - "Mind reading technology is being deployed for security purposes"
- 2025 - "Vertical farms are appearing in many cities"
- 2033 - "Holographic wall screens"
- 2035 - "Artificially-grown meat is available to consumers"
- 2036 - "Bionic eyes surpassing human vision"
- 2038 - "Teleportation of complex organic molecules"
- 2039 - "Full immersion virtual reality"
- 2039 - "Nanotech fabrics are ubiquitous"

1 comment:

  1. Thought Transfer! Could be exciting for what our network actually connects into

