Sunday 13 March 2011

Research into Religion

I became interested in the effects of Religion on a society and how we respond to it.  As a group we decided that Digital would be the power over everything and we would look to it like a god.

I looked at the submissive qualities of people who are religious and how this shapes their lives.  There were three main key words: Obedience, Reverence and Worship.  To put this in terms of a digital world, it would be like obeying a system which we created for security - slaves to our own mind - how would technology develop from this?  Would we fear our own creations?

I also looked at the Da Vinci Code, it had this idea of the Knights of Templar protecting the sacred hierarchy of the church - this could be translated to the digital - like the nano-technologists continually protecting the creatures and preventing abusive behaviours.

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