Thursday 24 March 2011

Networking Visualisation

I've been looking into how to visualise I network in am image, so that our concept is easyily understandable to an audience. Precedent networks that I think would be good to draw parallels from are: spiderwebs, trees (branches and leaves), roots, or something more immersive and surrounding like smoke/haze/warmth.

Thus, I started to think of thermal vision and how that shows something that is otherwise not seen. I like that idea, perhaps to maintain a human dynamic our network is never seen by the naked eye, only felt. Perhaps if there a network error the technician could put on their 'Nyx goggles' and view it literally.

So I suggest a photoshoot where after we manipulate the image to expose the hive of tardigarde emitting their wireless networks. Perhaps similarly to how thermal vision shows varying degrees of heat....

Infrared Photography, looks really stunning but not hugely different to regular photography

1 comment:

    you can buy infared lenses or we could borrow one from someone. ill ask my nieghbour in hawkesbay richard brummer. hes a photographer and might have one or even do you have any friends at massey that does photography that might have a lense? it takes nice pictures.
