Wednesday 13 April 2011

Capital Times: potential mentor

Hi Capital Times,

We are a group fourth year Industrial and Digital Media Design students from Victoria University. Currently we are involved in the 'City 2040' project run by the Wellington City Council in which we are developing a projected potential future for our inner-city. In the coming years we forsee a revolt against the increasingly digital interaction and networking we have today, 2011. Thus, we propose that tactile things such as the newspaper will become highly valued and in vogue once more. We are wanting to present our final presentation in newspaper format and hopefully print of a hundred or so copies of the 'Capital Chronical' (written from the present perspective of 2040, with proposed 'breaking news').

We were hoping we could be mentored/ liase with someone from Capital Times between now and end of term, June 2nd? With regard to layout, printing, creative advice, writing styles, general tricks of the trade as we have only read the newspaper - not written, edited, published, printed as you guys do! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tenzin Heatherbell
Capital Chronical, 2040.

City 2040:
Capital Chronical:

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